She graduated from the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen (Saint Petersburg), specialty «Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool)» and additional specialty "Khanty language and literature» in 1995. She has been working at the Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Research and Development since 2002. Her research interests are children's folklore of the Khanty people, ethno-language picture of the world in the texts of Khanty folklore (based on the material of a folk tale).
On the theme of research she had published several articles in scientific journals, as well as folklore collections in the children's folklore of the Khanty people "Nyavram Putrat" (2008), book for reading in elementary and middle grades (in the Kazym dialect) "Khanty folk riddles" (1997), riddles for children "Hatl eshie" (2006). In 2009, she entered the post-graduate program of the Correspondence Department of the Yugra State University, with a scientific specialty 10.02.02 – Languages of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.