Potpot. Rimma. Mikhaylovna, collector of Khanty and Nenets folklore. 14.06.1966
Potpot. Rimma. Mikhaylovna, collector of Khanty and Nenets folklore. 14.06.1966
Potpot Rimma Mikhaylovna
Years of life
collector of Khanty and Nenets folklore
In 1988, Rimma Mikhaylovna graduated from the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute with the degree «Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education». From 2012 to 2016, she studied in the post-graduate school of the Yugra State University on specialty «Languages of the Peoples of the Russian Federation (the Finno-Ugric and Samoyed languages)». The theme of the dissertation research is «The conception "House" in the Khanty language Picture of the World». Rimma Mikhaylovna is the author of more than 25 scientific articles and two folklore collections. Spheres of scientific interests are language picture of the world of the Khanty people, and folklore of the Kazym Khanty.
Children's song "The Capercaillie - Lўkije"1.
The legend of the keeper of many families - Ar hotang imen mon'shch1.
The legend about the Kazim goddess - Kasәm imen oӆәӈәn1.