Yarkina. Matryona. Egorovna, performer of Khanty folklore. 1928 - 2009
Yarkina. Matryona. Egorovna, performer of Khanty folklore. 1928 - 2009
Yarkina Matryona Egorovna
Years of life
1928 - 2009
performer of Khanty folklore
Matryona Egorovna was born in yhe village of Sumatnyoly of Beryozovsky District of Tyumen Oblast in the family of a reindeer herder and a fisherman. She began to work early: when she was 15 years old, she was officially enrolled in the collective farm staff. She worked at various jobs in the collective farm, forestry. For conscientious work, Matryona Egorovna received certificates and valuable gifts. During the years of liquidation of unpromising villages, she moved with her family to the village of Vanzevat. Folklore texts recorded from Matryona Yegorovna were published in the Okrug national newspaper "Khanty Yasang" and were broadcast on the Okrug national radio.
Song of the Crow1.
The song of a Siberian gull1.
Song of a Crow1.