Vagatov. Egor. Nikolaevich, performer of Khanty folklore. 01.01.1934 - 23.09.2006
Vagatov. Egor. Nikolaevich, performer of Khanty folklore. 01.01.1934 - 23.09.2006
Vagatov Egor Nikolaevich
Years of life
01.01.1934 - 23.09.2006
performer of Khanty folklore
Yegor Nikolaevich considered himself a native of the family "Jurәn hө" – the Ernikhovs. According to the story of his daughter, Natalya Yegorovna Tarlina, in the old days, a man Vagatov stole a woman with a newborn child (a boy) and took her to the lands near the village of Kyshik. The boy was given the surname of his stepfather – Vagatov and he got his ethnic nickname – Mosum Yuvan Iki. This man was the grandfather of Yegor Nikolayevich Vagatov. His son Nikolay Ivanovich Vagatov later moved with his family to Kazym lands. After the defeat of the Kazym Rebellion, Yegor Nikolaevich's father and his three older brothers were put in prison, and their reindeer were confiscated. The grandfather and his family moved to Surgutsky District, fearing further reprisals. Yegor Nikolaevich graduated from the first three grades at the Trom-Agan school. Then his family moved to the village of Kazym. After moving, Yegor abandoned his studies and got a job as a teenager. First he worked as an assistant reindeer herder, later as a reindeer herder. During the Great Patriotic War, he worked as a postman. He carried letters and newspapers from Kazym to Yuilsk on foot or on reindeer. For valiant and selfless work during the Great Patriotic war, Yegor Vagatov was awarded the Medal The Medal "For Valiant Labour in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945" by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.