Logany. Alexander. Chapikovich, performer and collector of the Forest Nenets folklore. 06.04.1959
Logany. Alexander. Chapikovich, performer and collector of the Forest Nenets folklore. 06.04.1959
Logany Alexander Chapikovich
Years of life
performer and collector of the Forest Nenets folklore
Alexander Chapikhovich (Tatva) and Alla Osevna Logany live in the camp Porsavar in 12 km from the village of Numto of Beloyarsky District of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra. They began to collect folklore of the Forest Nenets in 1990, when they realized that there were very few Forest Nenets left, many of them stopped speaking their native language and that the language of the Forest Nenets could very soon be lost, because people do not live forever and need to have time to record songs, fairy tales, legends from those who still remember them. Tatva remembers many fairy tales from his childhood. They were told to him by his grandmother Elpa. When his father went out for a long time to hunt, they stayed in the chum alone with the grandmother and she told him fairy tales. In 1990, Tatva bought a tape recorder and made recordings on cassettes, which were in great short supply at that time. Alexander Chapikhovich used cassettes that already had recordings of Russian songs on them. Because of the lack of tapes, it often happened that he erased the recordings he had made and recorded new ones. Tatva and Alla recorded many songs and fairy tales from the residents of the village of Varyegan, in the camps near Lake Numto. People began to come themselves to perform and record what they remembered and knew. At that time, few people sang in their own language, but gradually many people began to remember songs and fairy tales they heard in childhood.
A sign about a cuckoo1.
I'll tell you a sign: if the thunderstorm returns, it will be bad. If it returns on the same territory, it will be the war. It means that it will break everything in its path.1.
I'll tell you a sign: if a cat scratches something made of wood or a nearby tree, people will have guests.1.
I'll tell you a sign: if a cat jumps, climbs on the chum and rolls down from it, it is going to be a blizzard with a strong wind.1.
I will tell you a sign: if in the spring frogs croak a lot in the swamp, there will be a lot of fish. If frogs croak a little, it will be a little fish.1.
A sign about a gallbladder of a fish1.
I'll tell you a sign: if a dog wallows on the ground and rubs its back on the ground, there will be bad weather. In winter it will be a blizzard.1.
I'll tell you a sign: if a cat washes its muzzle thoroughly and for a long time, a good catch is waiting for hunters and fishmen. A cat is strong.1.
I will tell you a sign: if a small two- or three-year-old child begin to beat himself with a stick in the chum, it will be a snowstorm.1.
I'll tell you a sign: if a cat clings to a pole in the chum, and then it falls to the ground, it menas that drunk people will come in the evening. The cat feels drunk people.1.
I'll tell you a sign: if a squirrel made a nest at the bottom of a tree, it will be a cold winter. If it made a nest at the top of a tree, it will be a warm winter.1.
I will tell you a sign: if a crow made a nest under a tree, it will be a hot summer. If it made a nest closer to the top of a tree, it will be a cool summer.1.
I will tell you a sign: if a dog's leg is entangled in the rope, then a owner's deer will die.1.
I'll tell you a sign: if a dog bends the paw, like hanging a pot, the owner will get the fish.1.
The fairy tale "Two Women»1.
I'll tell you a sign: if a cat sits close to the fire in winter, it will be frosty. This does not happen in summer, although it's warm at home.1.
I'll tell you a sign: if a cat is in a house (in a chum) is lying on the side of the stove in a cold house, then it will be warm. A cat sees the warmth.1.
I'll tell you a sign: if a crow in the spring sits on a dry tree - it will be a dry year. And if a crow sits on a living tree - it will be rainy (a lot of water).1.
The sign about thunder1.
A sign about the bagulnik (labrador tea or ledum)1.
I'll tell you a sign: if a cuckoo has arrived and cuckoos intermittently, it predicts bad things.1.