Yumina. Anna. Grigoryevna, a performer of Khanty folklore. 1922
Yumina. Anna. Grigoryevna, a performer of Khanty folklore. 1922
Yumina Anna Grigoryevna
Years of life
a performer of Khanty folklore
Anna Grigoryevna was born in 1922 in the Tugiyany settlement, Beryozovsky District, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Tyumen Oblast, in a large family of a fisherman and a hunter. The members of the family of the Grishkins in their songs called themselves as tuӈkas syr yoh (people of turgus kin). In the village of Polnovat, Anna Grigoryevna finished primary school. Her family has had a tough time. In the 1930s, during the dekulakization years, her father was arrested. Her two older brothers were taken away by boat. In the winter, the whole family was arrested. Anna Grigoryevna grandfather's hands and feet were tied and he was thrown into a sleigh. They harnessed three of their horses, put the family and took them to the Kondinsk settlement. Anna Grigoryevna’s father was in the Tobolsk prison. A year later, he was released and allowed to take his family home. The family arrived home on the ship "The Red Star". As it turned, only the walls and ceiling remained of their house. Relatives and neighbors helped them. In 1937, the military came. Their father and brothers were arrested again. The family never saw them again. Later, they learned that they were shot in the town of Khanty-Mansiysk. At the age of 18, Anna Grigoryevna married the veteran Yumin Ilya Nikolaevich, who returned from the war as an invalid. Tey moved to the settlement Sumatnyoly. Her husband was a chairman of the kolkhoz, a communist. He was elected a member of the Bureau of the Beryozovsky District Party Committee, member of the Okrug Commitee. In 1956, Anna Grigoryevna joined the party. Her husband died early, leaving her alone with the children. In the 1960s, during the liquidation of unpromising villages, Anna Grigoryevna moved to the village of Vanzevat, where she worked in the collective farm "Victory" at various jobs. Since 1980, Eva Schmidt, a Hungarian researcher of Ob-Ugric folklore, has recorded many hours of folklore and ethnographic material from Anna Grigoryevna.
Personal song "I'm a guy from the settlement, from the village of Vyrkum» - «Ma voshәӈ hө, ma Vyrkum nє»1.